Miss Baines will take you on a journey into the past, making you think twice before skipping that weekly clean!


This interactive dance-theatre performance is for everyone from young children aged 5+ to their grandparents. 'Miss Baines’ takes inspiration from accounts of a real-life Lancastrian woman who worked as a Council Housing Officer, inspecting people’s homes in the 1930s/40s. The show is a comprehensive & comical guide on ‘how to clean the home’ vintage style, taking inspiration from the old ‘Pathe' newsreels and documentaries.

Primary school child

My favourite part was when she was cleaning up the children!

Care home resident

I thought it was excellent. The children really enjoyed themselves as much as us. It was a very unusual show, I didn’t expect anything like that! I feel on top of the world, seeing the children enjoy it all.


A truly magical morning watching the amazing interaction of these very special little people with the residents at Gills Top (care home). Inspirational performance Miss Baines. More of this needed in life.

Care home staff members

Their faces said it all! They joined in with the singing, loved the dancing & folding the laundry. The interaction was perfect!

Senior lecturer in dance (at family show)

Congratulations on such a wonderful piece of work, you've done a great job to build something that is accessible, engaging and so surprisingly emotive. My son’s favourite bit was the sock catching, my mum really loved the Vera Lynn ending - she said how much it connected her to her own parents. The little intricacies and level of research you must have done was so impressive and you are just the most beautiful performer...I loved it!! Well Done You!

Audience member at Ludus Dance (family show):

I wanted to let you know how truly WONDERFUL Miss Baines is. We've talked and laughed about it since and especially when it's cleaning time! Even my ‘not so sure of the arts' husband thought it was fantastic and kept saying how much he enjoyed it!


Choreographer, Performer & Producer: Louise Gibbons
Stage Manager: Emily Davies
Composer: Lee Affen
Choreographic Mentor: Gary Clarke
Dramaturg: Lou Cope
Visual Artist: Gordon Banks
Filmmaker: John Grey
Voice Actor: Steve Fairclough
Photographer: Brian Slater


Funded and supported by: Arts Council England, Great Places Lakes and Dales & Ludus Dance